by Rhonda Hallstrom | Nov 3, 2020 | All Posts, Christmas, Crafts, Crafts & DIY, Wreathes
Have you seen a wood bead wreath? I know there’s not many out there! That’s why I want to give you this Wood Bead Wreath DIY to help you create a wreath perfect for any style. Be sure to sign up for my email to get new recipes, crafts and...
by Rhonda Hallstrom | Oct 20, 2020 | All Posts, Crafts & DIY, Painting, Projects
Are you new to chalk painting or just need some tips to get great results? We have you covered with our Small DIY Chalk Paint Projects to get the best looking projects. We have been chalk painting for 8 years now, and have gone through a lot of trials with...
by Rhonda Hallstrom | Aug 12, 2020 | All Posts, Crafts & DIY, Painting, Re-Purposing Furniture, Tips
I am always looking for fun diy’s to do, that will update my home. Well I have been seeing this cool trick to Modern Farmhouse Mud Paint Vases. It’s so easy and adds an expensive look to your home decor finds. Be sure to sign up for...
by Rhonda Hallstrom | Jul 24, 2020 | All Posts, Crafts & DIY, Painting, Projects
Welcome if you are new to me, I am Rhonda with Hallstrom Home where we paint, create and make life more beautiful each day. Claire my daughter in law and assistant who basically runs everything around. Her and I were in the middle of our work day shipping out orders...
by Rhonda Hallstrom | Jul 15, 2020 | All Posts, Crafts & DIY, Projects
Claire found a Beginner Vintage Trailer Remodel project. This is her first crazy adventure for her and Ty after they got married. It all started with a Craig’slist ad for a 1987 Prowler camper. I then decided we needed to make a Gypsy trailer compound on the...
by Rhonda Hallstrom | Apr 24, 2020 | All Posts, Crafts & DIY, Home Projects
Are you ready to update your walls? Yeah, me too I was tired of our blue wallpaper. How to Install Wide Shiplap is super fun and not very hard to give your old walls and amazing look. Be sure to sign up for my email to get new recipes, crafts and home...