Here’s Dane and Lissa’s gender reveal party, using the Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake Egg Roulette game turned into gender reveal party. I honestly haven’t watched The Tonight Show, but I stumbled upon a YouTube video which we will include at the bottom of this post as well as the video of Dane and Lissa. So you can get and idea of how you can create a Gender Reveal Egg Smash Party. We have games, decor, and egg painting directions in this tutorial.

How to Do Egg Gender Reveal
Dane and Lissa took turns smashing an egg on their forehead. We hardboiled 11 eggs and kept one egg raw to make a dozen eggs. We then colored half the eggs pink and the other half of the eggs blue. The one raw egg smashed is the gender reveal. For example our raw egg was pink. So when Dane smashed the egg we knew we were having a girl!
Directions: How to Make Gender Reveal Eggs
I was the one in charge of this party. So at Dane and Lissa’s ultrasound, they had the sonographer write down the gender on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. The results were then handed over to me. I had to keep it a secret for 2 whole days! I didn’t tell a soul, I deserve a prize. Maybe a grandbaby, now doesn’t that work out perfect?

STEP ONE: Hard boil eleven eggs and keep the 12th egg aside. You want the 12th one to be raw. First make sure you dye or paint the raw egg the correct color. That being the color of the gender. I chalked painted the eggs, but you can also dye them.
STEP TWO: Put all of the eggs into the fridge until you’re ready to play. If they are all cold, it is a bit harder to tell the hard boiled eggs from the raw eggs.
STEP THREE: The parents to be will take it in turns to crack an egg on their forehead. Eventually one of them will get the raw egg. The color of the egg will tell you if they’re having a boy or a girl. Luckily it was Dane who got the raw egg, so Lissa didn’t have a mess. But as you saw from above Dane didn’t get too messy.
Gender Reveal Party Game Printables
Here are the 7 gender reveal games we played. This was super fun because we had both guys and girls playing these games. Except the guys didn’t play “oops my water broke” game, because I didn’t buy enough babies to put in ice. Sign up for our diy emails and receive access to our free printable vault with these printables.
How to play “oops my water broke”
- Put your itty bitty babies in ice cube trays with water and freeze.
- Take out just before it’s time to play.
- Pre fill cups of water then place one baby ice cube in each cup, pass out.
- Whoever’s baby floats first shouts “my water broke” and they win a prize.
- We gave out Godiva chocolates, to keep it easy.
How to play “Guess how many candies”
- Get a bag of candies and count how many candies there are.
- Put the candies in a jar.
- Put out a paper and pen, with a jar.
- The guests will write down on a piece of paper how many candies they think there are.
- Once everyone is done, check all the papers to see who is the closest.
- The person who is the closest, is the winner and gets the jar of candy.

How to play “guess the gender” (play this before the gender reveal)
- Get blue and pink sticky notes, a pen, and a jar.
- The player will write their name on the color of paper that they think they baby is. So for me I thought it was a boy, I put my name on a blue piece of paper.
- Once the gender of the baby is revealed, pick a blue or pink paper based on what the gender is. For us the gender turned out to be a girl, so we picked out a pink paper.
- The winner wins a prize.

We have a list of word games we played. These were quite fun, I will give you links on what items we used. Just give each person a sheet of the paper and we put on a timer. For the word scramble we gave everyone 4 minutes and for the A-Z baby words we gave everyone 2 minutes. We played word scramble, A-Z baby words and baby bingo. The person who got the most on each game won a prize.

One last game that we forgot to play was “don’t say baby.” We had the clothes pins sitting out and completely forgot. This is how the game works. Each person gets one clothes pin and the pin it to them self somewhere. The point of the game is to not say “baby.” If you catch someone saying baby, you steal their clothes pin. If someone catches you saying baby, they take yours. Whoever has the most at the end of the party wins a prize.
Gender Reveal Food Table
Dane’s favorite Salted Caramel Rice Krispie Treats were made. They are made just about every weekend when they come over. We did a fruit platter, veggie platter, bean dip, and chips. I wanted finger food so we didn’t have to use utensils. I’m all about easy.

Gender Reveal Banner DIY
We used Dane and Lissa’s ultrasound photos as a banner. Her ultrasound photos came in an envelope and we just cut them, to separate them. Then we grabbed some twine and stapled on the photos. We made sure these got hung in a spot where people could take a look at them. So we hung them up above the food line. It was a fun, extra addition to the party decor.

Gender Reveal Decorations
To add some fun to your space definitely add balloons. An “oh baby” balloon sign is perfect for the occasion. The only thing about ours, is that the h wouldn’t blow up. But we still made the best out of it, we didn’t really need the h anyways. The gold was a great pop of color.

Of course, more balloons. This time with confetti. My daughter actually had these left over from something, so she let me use them in the party decor. There were many kids at this party and I knew the balloons were going to get played with. What else are they for? It was so much fun. I found a lot of confetti all around the next morning.

And our balloon wall. This is one of my favorite spots. I got some inspiration for this balloon wall and I knew I could make it. Again it was a hit for the kids! I will share below where we got the idea to do egg roulette gender reveal. Dane and Lissa are having a girl and we all couldn’t be more excited!
What color/brand of chalk paint did you
Use? Any tips for painting them?
We used Dixie Belle Chalk paint. I think we used soft pink and peacock. You will get a little messy. I just held them and painted then laid them out to dry. Then touched up any spots once they dried.
Oh, Grandma to be….you are going to have so much fun spoiling her! Enjoy the privilege!
I can’t believe I’m going to be a Great Grandma!
It’s going to be so much fun! I can’t wait. It is so crazy to think!!
So beautiful! Congratulations 😍
thank you so much, this is going to be so fun!
I absolutely loved the fact that you were the only one that knew the gender. How fun 💗
I know it was so much fun! I am so surprised I kept the secret, it was hard!