I think it’s time to show off some of our Handmade Christmas Stockings. We have such an amazing variety of stockings. We sell them individually or as sets. You will find the most updated collections on our Etsy page. Now keep on reading to find some of my favorites.
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Christmas Decor
Some of you already know this but my daughter in law Lissa makes all of our stockings. She spends lots of time cutting and sewing to create these beautiful stockings. The months before Christmas it gets extra busy and she spends most days in the office sewing. Throughout the year she is still making them it just slows down slighty. Some of the stockings you will find on our Etsy we only have limited stock while others we have quite a bit more. But that doesn’t mean they won’t sell out. This green wool above is super limited. But I love the stripe in the center, so unique!

Handmade Christmas Stockings
Some of our most popular or the fur trim stockings, which add such and elegance. My favorite part about our stockings is that most of them you can mix the patterns and fabrics. But if you like a more streamlined look you can buy multiple of the same stockings. We make stockings out of wool, flannel, cotton, and linen. Plus many other fabrics. There is still time to get in your orders before Christmas, but the closer it gets the harder it will be to order in time for Christmas. Browse our stockings here. And of course we love a basic tan stocking, this will really look good in any home!

Many will private message us to create a custom collection for them that will fit their home beautifully. Be sure to shop all of our Christmas decor. Because when creating a mantel you want pretty pieces to bring it all together! Check out our latest blog post on some pretty farmhouse Christmas decor. I share some of my favorite Christmas pieces in it!

Can’t forget about our cozy teddy stocking! This one has been a favorite for our customers. We have the classic red ticking stripe, solid red. We have fun new styles but timeless stockings so be sure to make sure you browse all of our Christmas stockings.