I am so excited to work with Magnolia Home Kilz Paint with Joanna Gaines. Welcome! If you are new to my blog and shop. Let me tell you that I love to paint up home decor products and mirrors. With paintbrush in hand, there are so many projects using Magnolia Home Kilz Paint with Joanna Gaines coming up. Let me show you the mirror frame I just created with their soft pink color.

Who else has a mirror addiction? or maybe even a painting addiction? You can stay up on the latest and greatest on my Instagram feed here.
Shabby Chic Mirrors

Magnolia Home Kilz Paint with Joanna Gaines
Chip and Joanna Gaines
There was a time when our kids were little that we would buy and fix up older homes. Now that we live in our dream farmhouse we decided to focus on our online shop and taking care of the farm. So I find many similarities with Chip and Joanna Gaines. Check out my post where I share my sponsored trip to meet Chip and Joanna here.

Creating a white wash finish on this cabinet was really easy. It’s also available in a beautiful green color. Come check this out in my shop at HallstromHome

Ok I want to go with you! Not in a creepy way – ill leave my haIsbamd behind – will carry your paint cans, or whatEver!!! Pick me 🙂
Ps – what about Daisy – oh she will miss you!
Pss – your instgram follower
I can’t wait to share this adventure. To bad Daisy couldn’t come but guaranteed she would just eat all my food and then run around like crazy. It will be a quick trip so I’m sure the farm will keep running as usual