Its been nearly a year since we opened our lifestyle boutique. This is where you can buy beautiful gifts, clothing, home decor, party supplies and the best trikes and scooters by Banwood because we believe in quality. When we opened the store, there were a few people complaining our prices are high but then I realized these people don’t understand that boutique stores don’t carry products like home goods. Our prices are MSRP with some vintage pieces we picked up from our RoundTop Texas trips. Hallstrom Home has become a destination.
Follow our blog for recipes, style tips and store updates. You can follow Instagram stories for daily updates, life on the farm and new products. We ship, so the best way to get what your looking for is shopping Hallstrom Home online or ask for links via, Instagram at Hallstrom Home . Ok now lets go over the store.

Welcome to Hallstrom Home’s Lifestyle
We have two entrances which was never in our original plan but soon realized the hair and nail salons would take our front parking so the back entrance was needed. Its been a challenge to greet every customer who walks in with the layout of the store and how busy we are ordering products and design services for customers. We do most of this at the front counter instead of behind closed doors. Some people have gotten irritated that we may be on the computer as they think its rude. I cant say we do things perfectly but we do try to make Hallstrom Home like family. all are welcome as they are and with their nice doggie pals

Hand Made at Hallstrom Home
If you follow our social media you know Vic does a lot of wood working in the evenings for the store. These shelves are one of my favorite pieces. His hand carved mushrooms are are extremely popular online and in the store but let me clarify that he doesn’t make all of them. He started because we have a guy on the East coast making these for us. During the holiday rush he couldn’t keep up so Vic filled in. Both makers use different wood and slightly different styles. I should label them but Its one more thing that my squire brain hasn’t taken the time to do. This first year at Hallstrom Home Boutique is super crazy

A Pacific North West Favorite Home Decor Store
The Pacific North West has a mix of styles with most age groups leaning heavily towards Modern Farmhouse. Blue is the most requested color so we have a bit scattered in our very neutral decor. I favor textures in pillows and throws but honestly I find most homes we design for don’t use texture. I hope we can push some style trends because I love a good mix.

Luxury Home

Stories From The Hallstrom home Bathroom
Two things, One is we think a couple had sex in the bathroom. They went in to try clothes on and didn’t leave the bathroom for a half an hour. It seemed she may have been owned by the actions of the guy. It was a strange situation. which resulted in me taking time to wipe the entire bathroom down just in case.
Number two is one of the my girls got treated so badly when a customer was directed to use the bathroom as a changing room. We have hooks for clothing behind the door. A large wall mirror and a shelf to place your purse. I know its not ideal but its better than a curtained partition that can fling open. Its spacious and wheelchair accessible. I keep it clean. Once we were told how terrible we were because we ran out of hand towels. It was astonishing but I try hard ever since. Retail has its hard moments but overall we are in the best area. Did you know its the fastest growing community west of the Mississippi? yes its crazy!!

Getting To Know Hallstrom Home
Many of you know Vic and I have seven kids and four grandkids. Our three girls work for Hallstrom Home. Our two daughter in laws help a bit even as they each raise their babies. Lissa sews our Christmas stockings which sale like crazy online. Claire used to write the blog but now does some retail and computer work for me. I miss working with her on the daily but she’s a great mom and someday I hope to have her back full time.
Lily does our shipping and works retail on Thursdays and Saturdays. She’s easy going and shows up on Instagram stories so freely which makes most of our followers and myself laugh. Its nice to see their natures all differ.
Alea is 20 and our oldest girl who manages the store. she knows her customers and manages me very well. Alea stopped blogging a year ago so I write it now but she makes writes our emails and Pinterest. Let me just say that getting on Social media isn’t easy because people talk and say mean things. I get it, we are all human. I am just happy to watch my girls be strong in a hard world.
Josie is our youngest and helps after school while fitting in her school work and drivers training. I am sure she could run laps around all of us as she’s much like her Dad that can do most anything very well.

Look Book For Hallstrom Home Boutique Store
I am going to add a bunch of photos of one of our fashion shoots and favorite products below. Its getting late and I am tired. I also wasn’t born to write but I am not scared to puke out my thoughts for the world to see because I am ok with being imperfectly me. Let me know what you want to know more about in the comments below.
Thx for being here and supporting our small business. We are so thankful

I wish I lived closer, well maybe 🤔 Beautiful shop. Best of luck.
What a great post! Makes me want to shop!!