by Rhonda Hallstrom | Feb 15, 2016 | All Posts, Tablescapes
I got this really great whimsical idea to stage the veranda in a Vintage Outdoor Garden Party Decoration Ideas. All because we finally completed this Restoration Hardware style metal orb chandelier! It happened to be a beautiful sunny day here in the Pacific...
by Rhonda Hallstrom | Feb 8, 2016 | All Posts, Home Tours
The inspiration for Decorating Vintage Cottage Chic Style all started with this pretty pink antique dress. Time worn, with added bits of lace and flowers, this had me dreaming of how I could incorporate such a beautiful work of art into someone’s boudoir. I...
by Rhonda Hallstrom | Jan 26, 2016 | All Posts, Bathrooms
How I created My Bohemian Bathroom with Vintage Lace with details on how I made this custom vintage lace ruffle shower curtain. Beautiful bathrooms with custom shower curtains add so much charm and meaning to our home decor. Let me guide you through our bohemian...